Florian Slotawa

Studiobox — Florian Slotawa

Studiobox, 2010

Studio Box, 2010, 485 × 360 × 252 cm, Installationsansicht Art Unlimited, Basel, Juni 2010

Studio Box ist eine Holzkonstruktion mit einer Video-projektion in ihrem Inneren. Vor der Ausstellung stand die Box im Atelier in unterschiedlichen Positionen zur Architektur der Räume. Die Videodokumentation dieser Intervention war als Projektion in derselben Box zu sehen. 

Studio Box is a constructed cube housing a video-projection. Before the exhibition, the structure was placed inside the studio and positioned at various angles in order to confront its architecture. The resulting sculptural interventions were documented and are now shown as a projection inside the very same cube.

Studio Box, 2010, 485 × 360 × 252 cm, Installationsansicht Art Unlimited, Basel, Juni 2010
Studio Box, 2010, video still, Film Installation im Inneren der Box, HD video, b/w, 240 × 135 cm, stereo sound, 3:50 min
Studio Box, 2010, video still, Film Installation im Inneren der Box, HD video, b/w, 240 × 135 cm, stereo sound, 3:50 min
Studio Box, 2010, video still, Film Installation im Inneren der Box, HD video, b/w, 240 × 135 cm, stereo sound, 3:50 min
Studio Box, 2010, video still, Film Installation im Inneren der Box, HD video, b/w, 240 × 135 cm, stereo sound, 3:50 min
Studio Box, 2010, video still, Film Installation im Inneren der Box, HD video, b/w, 240 × 135 cm, stereo sound, 3:50 min
Studio Box, 2010, video still, Film Installation im Inneren der Box, HD video, b/w, 240 × 135 cm, stereo sound, 3:50 min
Studio Box, 2010, video still, Film Installation im Inneren der Box, HD video, b/w, 240 × 135 cm, stereo sound, 3:50 min
Studio Box, 2010, video still, Film Installation im Inneren der Box, HD video, b/w, 240 × 135 cm, stereo sound, 3:50 min
Studio Box, 2010, video still, Film Installation im Inneren der Box, HD video, b/w, 240 × 135 cm, stereo sound, 3:50 min
Studio Box, 2010, video still, Film Installation im Inneren der Box, HD video, b/w, 240 × 135 cm, stereo sound, 3:50 min
Studio Box, 2010, video still, Film Installation im Inneren der Box, HD video, b/w, 240 × 135 cm, stereo sound, 3:50 min
Studio Box, 2010, video still, Film Installation im Inneren der Box, HD video, b/w, 240 × 135 cm, stereo sound, 3:50 min